So today is 3 weeks post '2nd' surgery. I'm feeling OK, but continue to have lots of swelling in the leg ankle, and foot area. It's still very frustrating to me and hard to talk about without getting upset. I'm still on oral anti-biotics and will be for a few more weeks. I'm beginning to walk heel-toe and elevate and ice constantly, which leaves me in situations where I can not join the others b/c I can't walk that far yet. (coming from someone who hiked the Grand Canyon a year ago, I can hardly believe my ears when I say it) They all have visited the Souks and went to the Medina in the evening. Very magical they say. I will get there...I have 2 years. lol My classroom is a far walk from where we are dropped off in the morning and need to do 2 flights of stairs. I have to walk down them like a small child does. 1 step, then the other, on the same step. Of course the kids noticed and asked what's wrong. I cannot move my ankle side to side yet just up and down....the less range of motion I have, the more scar tissue that can build up and the more difficulty therapy will be in the beginning. :(
I guess this a scale? |
Yesterday I had a driver bring to me to my 1st appointment. Come to find out as I was already in the room and introduced to the doctor that it was NOT an ortho doctor. I'm not sure what the mix up was but was seen by him anyway. I was a NERVOUS wreck! When I entered the room I felt like I stepped back in time. Ugh...Just what I feared the most!
He did speak English and in fact is one of the parents of our students. He began to remove my steri-strips (which are to be left on for a Least another week). Maybe he wanted to look? I almost started to cry like I was 4 years old..."Please, don't touch me"...."Don't take them off".....
Then a nurse came in with this rolling aluminum cart with things on it that looked ancient. It may have really not been, but the cart threw me WAY off....and I was done.
HELL NOOOO!!!....I was like "I brought my own stuff, you can wrap it back up in"...he was a little thrown off, and I was trying to be polite.....BUT, I already had 1 infection that I got somehow at Home....I don't need another.
I have another appointment with the Ortho doc tomorrow at 11:00am....Hoping it all goes well and he speaks English as a first language. I hate to sound like that, but when it comes to your health, you just want to make sure you both understand each other.
When the doctor left the room to call the other doctor, I hopped up and took my camera to shoot the room. Is it me or do all white rooms look kinda scary?
This was where I was taken. Looks more like a clinic than an office to me.
Snapping shots from my car outside the clinic.
All in all the doctor was VERY nice to me. Since he is married with 5 kids.....he is not the one. lol
Perhaps it's the Ortho doc, I will meet tomorrow? hee hee....
I have to say the Moroccan people are very good looking people and very friendly. :)
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