Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1st Pop-in Observation.

So at morning meeting I HAD to ask these little guys more about them and their parents. Here are some of their responses:

"This summer I traveled through Europe and I was born in South Korea. All the kids speak 3 languages... she speaks 4! ~Lilly
"I didn't go to that many places, just stayed in Morocco"....He is Always the 1st one done with his work....even the kids in Morocco rush and don't double check.   ~Saad

"Here is a notebook of my summer math, my mom wanted you to see" ~Saufiane
He came late on the 1st day. All the kids said "Redha is not here, but he cries a lot"..."he's bad."  I thought oh well, if that's the worst of it, that's nothing. He walked in the door and I just smiled. He is my favorite already! He can't sit still and has the CUTEST French accent. Melts my heart.
Another cutie! "My dad is Moroccan and my mom is Canadian"...."I mostly speak French at home."
I met his mother in the hallway and she wants Him to pick up MY accent...Good Lord. lol  ~Adam
I could listen to this girl talk ALL day! She has a British accent. And says the cutest phrases. "This summer I went zip-lining in was a bit scary, but I managed to stay calm."  ~Uma
This girl has the Softest voice in the world. I can barley hear her. She usually doesn't smile, so I have to be ultra goofy to make her crack. She was born in Boston.    ~Aya
Her mother is the gym teacher in the building. Born in Scotland.   ~Angel

"Ms. Viviel, my driver is here to pick me up" and off she went. Her mother is a doctor and this summer she went to Greece, France and Spain. Another cutie!   ~Salma
He knows Arabic as well, but a different Arabic. He was born in Syria. He came here last year and with tears in his eyes said "it was very scary where I lived"  ~Joseph.....omg, I wanted to hug him. 
"I can do tree pose in yoga" "I'm in gymnastics too!"  ~Camie
Never thought a British accent would come out of his mouth. He practices Berber in the mirror at home (language from the native people).  "Would you like to try to grapes from my farm?" WT? He had a container full of them.  ~Hassan
"I will bring you my stories that I wrote over the summer."   ~Zakaria
My assistant for a few weeks (since they feel sorry for me about my ankle) He is sweet and kind. His name is Azzi. He offered me homemade cookies. I immediately said no, (b/c of my germ phobe) and quickly remembered pg 135 in the Culture Shock book. They get Highly offended when turning down food. SO I said "sure ok".....probably grabbed it with the left (dirty) hand but oh well. I can't remeber, the cookie was Delicious!!!
These are their notebooks. Not a marble one in sight!!!! These remind me of college test booklets.
Not the usual pencil case...
Sam arrived from Switzerland last night. "I spent the summer hiking the mountains"...."I will bring you a present tomorrow".
Boys will be boys!!!! 
Written by Salma...omg, I can't. <3
This is what Sam did over the summer.....holy moly. 

Heart is melting! I love these kids already!
My pop in observation summary on the 2nd day....posted right on my desk as she left. She stayed about 10 mins. Not too shabby. I'm happy she's happy.
These kids really try hard. There is a period of Arabic and French each day. When those teachers walk in I get another prep. To hear them speak fluent is wonderful. I slowly gather my things and go to the teachers lounge for that period, and a part of me is determined to pick up either language. I have 2 years. I'm "gonna" try. 


  1. ...and so the journey begins..... a new country, new kids, new culture, but what will be your guiding light, is your love for teaching!
