My friend and his moped and Liz who came with me
Shops were all closed down
So as we were walking he stopped, and started talking to some people (assumed his friends). We also stopped and waited a few feet ahead. Some other men came over to us. They started asking if we knew him. Ummmm....yes, why?
They told us they were the police! Liz asked to see their ID. Before they showed the ID, one of the men lifted up his shirt and flashed a gun. WTF??? My eyes must of bulged and suddenly I was WIDE awake and somewhat puzzled. Within seconds he is showing us a laminated card that said 'Police'....but why I thought. And is this 'laminated' card even real?
Within minutes my friend was back with us and we were off walking again. Uhhhh...."What the hell just happened?" "Can you tell me why the police stopped us separately and for what?" "It is because it is late (it was 10pm btw which in NY is not that late to be out) and you are not Moroccan women and you are walking with me"..."they want to be sure you are not being taking against your will".....OK, I appreciate that. .....I think.
In fact, in that moment, as scary as those dark alleys were....I felt safe.
*Scary for a minute situation #2-
I went for my usual Saturday hammam back at the Twister Center where my student's mother manages or owns. Anyway, it is off the beaten path and they called a cab for me. I get in and start my usual haggling for a price and use my little Arabic phrase I have almost perfected "sir, I am not a tourist, I live here" (in Arabic) .....and then the familiar chuckle starts. I tell him I teach at the American School....once this happens they usually smile and get in a better mood.
W-E-L-L.....I guess my phrase set a calming mood. He started to say something to me: "I pretty"...."I petty"....What? I'm pretty? No, I'm petty? Huh??
"No, religion"he says...."what? pretty religion?"....oh dear God, I was just SO relaxed coming from the hammam and massage and certainly not up for my daily game of charades. I sat up tall and alert. Ok, here we go (almost rubbing hands together) ....sounds like....rhymes with.....bring it on.
Its such a challenge to communicate and I become obsessed with figuring it out, touching things, tapping, hands are waving, full face gestures are going.....and lots of laughing on both our parts as strangers try to communicate....almost in a primal sort of way.
He then clasps his hands together. OOOhhhhh...."Pray!"....Yeah I got it! "You want to pray?"..."like right now?, with me?"....."yes, I pull over" he says. Ok, so now he is pulling the cab over and I am going to sit here and pray with him? I don't know the Quran. This should interesting. Well, that was not quite his intention. He turns the car off and reaches for a coke bottle filled with water. He begins washing his hands, face, and feet with the water in the cab. Prior to entering Salaat (prayer), the person is
required to undertake a certain purification procedure known as
"Wudhu" without which, the person's prayer would not be acceptable in
the sight of Allah. I have heard of this but obviously never witnessed it. Ummm...."I'm staying here, right?"....."yes, yes, I be back 2 minutes"...."I go in there"....and then I look and see an open door with children inside on the floor. "Ok, 2 minutes??" I say nervously. Is this really happening? I call my friend and explain the situation. "what?!!" "you are in a cab alone and he went off to pray?".....hahahaha she laughs.....yup only me.

The cab driver makes his way through what I thought was just an open door, but apparently was a mosque.
I'm waiting in the cab.....see the shadow on the sidewalk?

Yeah! Prayer must be over....he is coming back to the cab for me.

He backs the car up and shows me the open door and I see the little boys on the floor. cute! So obviously I was unharmed, but was completely thrown off guard, and wasn't quite sure what was happening as the events were unfolding rather quickly. These things would not fly in ever.
The man was very nice and on our way back pointed out all the stands that were selling sheep in preparation for the Eid holiday. Very strange to see. In the end he Still tried to get more money out of me than we established for the fare, but was grateful his prayer stop wasn't the length of a mass.
*Awkward Situation #3-
Ok, so I live in an apartment building. It is sorta like a compound because after you enter the initial doorway it leads to an open courtyard. There are 2 entrances and 4 big apartment buildings. Most of the teachers live here but so does the general public and other expats. It is a nicer apartment than most and the location is ideal. I live on the main entrance side. There are security guards 24/7 for us. Once in a while they take a break and there is a special door code to get in.
Last week after Jelly Bar night one of my friends here was Very tipsy....very. After we all got out of the cab my handsome male friend (from the rug shop) came out of the cab to help my girlfriend get into the elevator and into her apartment safe. Well, that seemed to be a problem. The guard would not let him up because he didn't live there. I tried to explain we needed his help to help my drunk friend (which was obvious). After my sign language session didn't work I asked "Carpet Boy"we will call him, to say it in Arabic what he is doing. Soooo finally.....they let him up.
2 days later I invited him for tea at my place without my friends. Well, the guards were giving him a Huge problem because he didn't live there. I explained that it is ok, he is my friend. Still they almost did not let him up. I said to "carpet boy" please tell him in Arabic that I now live here for 2 years and I can have whomever I want up with my consent. Grrrrr......finally he was allowed to come up.
I should back up and tell you that in Morocco the laws are VERY strict about men and woman being together. Traditional Muslim women are not out at night in the bars, clubs, etc. In fact, they mostly hang out on rooftops with other women and in the hammams together, which is where they wash each other and gossip. Traditional Muslim couples can NOT get a hotel together if they don't show papers that they are married. Traditional Muslim women do not have pre-marital sex. What I was asking was way out of the ordinary. While I respect there ways.....there is NO WAY in hell that I am not having a boy come up to my place for the next 2 years!!!!!! Sorry Charlie.
After all, traditional Muslim men and woman live with their families and so going to his place is Not an option either. Ummmmm....kiss on the dirty streets with the cats jumping out of dumpsters??? I already did that, Gross!!! lol
In an effort to not have this issue again I went Human Resources on Monday and spoke with Atika (she is our go-to person for everything). Very tactfully I explained that there was a slight issue having a 'male friend' up for tea. "Yes, she says it is for your own safety." Yes, I understand that, I say, but I am a grown woman and I can not live here for 2 years and not be able to have a male friend over for tea. (I kept throwing the tea part in) Did she understand what I meant? lol.....good lord this was getting embarrassing. But I kept moving forward with the conversation. She explained that they cannot just be buzzed up (nor do I want that) That I must come down and give my consent. "Certainly, no problem"...."I understand and respect that." I told her. When I walked away, did she think .....really? 50 days here and she met a friend already. Oh well, these are the down falls of working and living with the same people.....everyone kinda knows your business. I walked away confident that I had explained myself and all would be ok next time.
So now it is a week later. Yes, I'm still talking with him and the girls here joke he is my "boyfriend."
He is not.....but he was going to come up and chill out after work. So I go downstairs to meet him and there were younger security guards there this time, like about 4 of them. And guess what? They will not let him come up. WHAT? I can't even get into the whole nonsense but I did call my administrator at 10:30pm at night and was a little less than sweet this time. Are you kidding me??? I felt like I was in the prison across the street! No way! "You told me it would not be a problem".......etc
She says "Did he make an appointment?" "Appointment for what?" ......who makes an appointment to have a friend over? "The building Super needs to approve this"......etc
Hellllzzzz no! I am American and I now live here. If I want someone over at 2am that is what I will do.
For the next 2 years no boys can come up? No way!!!
Colombian and Irish temper are out in full force. I felt like I was being treated like a child.
It became a scene with the guards taking his phone and ID etc.....calls were made....I sat on the steps helpless as lots of Arabic was going back and forth. My carpet friend remained Very calm and said not to worry..."it is because I am Moroccan"......"ok, so if you kill me, they have your ID, let's go up"
In the end.....he came up. I was hardly calm....and wished I could now leave to get a drink. lol..Well, that wasn't happening since he finally made it up.
PS....I was not killed obviously or hurt. And while I DO appreciate their concern....I also gave my consent!
Which was the frustrating part. And in the end embarrassing....all the guys were staring at me....I can't imagine what they were thinking. Oh well. As for my administrator .....I don't want to know what she is thinking. Although this Can't be the first time this is happening.
And so, these are some of the many adventures and culture shock things to have happened. I'm quite sure there will be more. Makes for good memories. :)
So funny (in the end :)!!! Talk about culture shock! Good luck in the future and be sure to make an appt :)